• circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  energie rinnovabili,  free trade agreement

    EU,UK,TCA electric accumulators and electrified vehicles

    The proposal (COM/2023/950 final) for a Council decision “…on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Partnership Council established by the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part as regards the transitional product-specific rules for electric accumulators and electrified vehicles…” has been published. In particular, the decision aims to adopt of a decision to amend the transitional product-specific rules for electric accumulators and electrified vehicles in Annex 5 of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) to: extend the…

  • free trade agreement

    FTA between UK and Australia entered into force on 31.05.2023

    According to the press release of the Austrialian department of Trade and Tourism the FTA between UK and Australia entered into force on 31.05.2023. This press release states that: “…As of today, over 99 per cent of Australian products will enter the UK duty free. These include some of our key exports, such as wine, short and medium . UK tariffs on Australian industrial goods, such as auto parts, electrical equipment and fashion items are now eliminated. Australian agricultural products, including beef and sheep meat, sugar and dairy products, will have duty free transitional quotas, with eventual elimination of all tariffs. For Australian consumers, tariffs on 98 per cent of…

  • free trade agreement

    FTA between UK and Australia: a short update

    In the official website of the Australian Trade Department it is stated that: “…During his visit to the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced 31 May as the date of entry into force of the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA), following the expected completion of UK domestic processes…”; this statement is alligned with the HMRC website for which: “…These are the trade agreements that businesses can use soon, but that are not yet in force. Once an agreement is reached, it is signed and then scrutinised by Parliament. Following this, the agreement can then be ratified. Only when this is complete, and any implementing legislation has been passed,…

  • free trade agreement

    Windsor Framework again more elements to complete the picture

    Again we talk about the Windsor Framework and borders management between North Ireland and the UK.  Indeed, the decision n.1/2023 ( of the joint committee established by the agreement on the withdrawal of the Unitend kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic energy community) of 24.03.2023 has been published on 17.04.2023 and lays down (among others) : (a) the conditions for considering that a good brought into Northern Ireland from outside the Union will not be subject to commercial processing in Northern Ireland; (b) the criteria for considering that a good brought into Northern Ireland from outside the Union is not…

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    Some points about North Ireland, Windsor Framework and EU trade policy

    The UK and the EU, on 27.02.2023, signed the “Windsor Framework” agreement which: will rule the status of Northern Irish borders after the Brexit, replaces the Protocol still in force, needs to be approved in the next meeting. From a customs perspective, in a nutshell, it is possible to say that this “framework” covers two different flows of goods: towards the EU and goods destinated to be released  into Northern Ireland. In particular: Goods moved from Great Britain to Northern Ireland, for end use or consumption in Northern Ireland: GREEN LANE: Simplifications and fast controls for economic operators under the UK trusted trader scheme (UK Trader Scheme launched to support…

  • free trade agreement

    Recap of the EU free trade agreements with REX

    the REX system is a single system (enrolement in the European register) for self-certify the preferential origin. It is  applied in different unilateral (generalised preferences system), bilateral or multilateral preferential trade arrangements between the EU has with third countries. For what it concers the free trade agreements we can recall that REX is required in the following trade flows: Canada (CETA), UK (TCA-trade cooperative agreement), Japan , Vietnam (EVFTA), Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Nouvelle Caledonie, Nouvelle Polinesie, Saint Pierre et Miquelon.

  • free trade agreement

    Origine preferenziale, REX e free trade agreements

    Il REX (Registered ExporterSystem) è una forma di autodichiarazione dell’origine preferenziale che l’operatore economico europeo deve adoperare se previsto negli accordi di libero scambio. Nasce nell’ambito delle preferenze generalizzate in sostituzione del FORM-A e costituisce lo strumento che acquisisce sempre maggiore impiego nei nuovi accordi. E’ previsto dal regolamento delegato 2015/2446, dal regolamento 2015/2447 e dal codice doganale dell’Unione europea contenuto nel regolamento 2013/52; trova un interessante forma di interpretazione nelle linee guida TAXUD (Guidance relating to the Registered Exporter System (REX) )del maggio 2022. In particolare, si tratta di una registrazione non obbligatoria nel senso che la sua assenza non impedisce di effettuare operazioni doganali ma non consente il…

  • free trade agreement

    La dogana francese dà qualche suggerimento sulle conoscenze dell’importatore

    In primo luogo, è utile ricordare che la “conoscenza dell’importatore” consente all’importatore di rivendicare un trattamento tariffario preferenziale basato sulla propria conoscenza del carattere originario dei prodotti importati sotto forma di documenti giustificativi o registrazioni forniti dall’esportatore o dal fabbricante del prodotto, che sono in possesso dell’importatore. Queste informazioni forniscono prove valide che il prodotto si qualifica come originario. Ai sensi del TCA e dell’ALS-EPA tra l’UE e il Giappone, è possibile presentare un reclamo se l’importatore dispone di una delle seguenti prove di origine: una dichiarazione sull’origine del prodotto compilata dall’esportatore (i testi della dichiarazione, previsti dal citato ALS, sono diversi); la conoscenza dell’importatore che il prodotto è originario.…