Italian plastic tax postponed to 1 july 2026
into force of plastic tax should enter into force on 1 of July 2026. We are now waiting for the publication of this measure on the Italian official journal. The taxable products are the items that consist partially or completely of organic polymers of synthetic origin. In addition, such products that serve to enclose, protect or supply goods or foodstuffs and are not intended for reuse. The taxable entities are: a) importer; b) purcheser in Italy of goods manufactured into the EU and sold from one of the member states; c) producer. Finally, it is interesting to add that: the legislative goal is to promote the reduction in the production…
Italian plastic tax postponed to 1 july 2024
The Italian law badget for 2024 entered into force on 1.1.2024 in the article n.1 paragraph n.44 postponed the entry into force of the plastic tax to 1.7.2024. The taxable products are the items that consist partially or completely of organic polymers of synthetic origin. In addition, such products that serve to enclose, protect or supply goods or foodstuffs and are not intended for reuse. The taxable entities are: a) importer; b) purcheser in Italy of goods manufactured into the EU and sold from one of the member states; c) producer. Finally, it is interesting to add that: the legislative goal is to promote the reduction in the production and…
Plastic tax in Italy: another postponement?
According to press release n.54, Italian Government wants to postpone the entry into force of plastic tax and sugar tax to 1 July 2024. It is important, to check the legal provisions of the budget law for 2024. These taxes will be levied from: a) importer; b) purchaser (intraUE); c) producer. The commodity taxed is the plastic package except for the ones made up of recycled or bio-plastic. We’ll check and keep you up-to-date.
Plastic Pollution, Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 and customs compliance
On 26.05.2023 the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to develop a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment released a Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 whose points are: This committee calls for the overarching objective of the treaty to be to end plastic pollution from all sources to protect the environment and human health. Reinforcement of commitment to ending plastic pollution by 2040; Development of common legally binding obligations and control measures for Parties to the treaty, and to cooperate with stakeholders and other partners to ensure alignment of efforts with the objective and approaches of the treaty, in order to end plastic pollution; binding provisions in the…
Plastic Pollution, Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 and customs compliance
On 26.05.2023 the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to develop a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment released a Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 whose points are: This committee calls for the overarching objective of the treaty to be to end plastic pollution from all sources to protect the environment and human health. Reinforcement of commitment to ending plastic pollution by 2040; Development of common legally binding obligations and control measures for Parties to the treaty, and to cooperate with stakeholders and other partners to ensure alignment of efforts with the objective and approaches of the treaty, in order to end plastic pollution; binding provisions in the…
Rinvio plastic tax Italia
In data 22.11.2024 il Governo italiano, con il comunicato stampa n.5, ha comunicato agli operatori economici che la plastic tax enterà in vigore 1.01.2024. È utile ricordare che: a) In linea con la strategia dell’Unione Europea (UE) per la plastica, questa tassa mira a ridurre la produzione e il consumo di prodotti in plastica monouso (il cosiddetto MACSI) nonché a promuovere i principi dell’economia circolare. b) Tale imposta – tuttavia – necessita di norme attuative che devono essere emanate dall’Agenzia delle Dogane. Le ragioni di questo rinvio sono: a) travagli dell’economia italiana; b) la necessità di individuare soluzioni legislative per alcune conseguenze pratiche dell’applicazione di tale imposta. E’ un’imposta indiretta…
Un altro rinvio per la plastic tax?
La Legge di Bilancio 2022, dopo tanti rinvii, ha posticipato al 1° gennaio 2023 l’entrata in vigore della Plastic tax in Italia. In linea con la Strategia Europea per la plastica, la tassa mira a stabilire un’economia circolare in cui la progettazione e la produzione della plastica soddisfino pienamente le esigenze di riutilizzo, riparazione e riciclaggio. Parallelamente, mira a ridurre la produzione e l’importazione di imballaggi in plastica monouso (l’acronimo italiano è “MACSI”). Pertanto, gli enti soggetti alla nuova imposta sono: – Per MACSI fabbricati in Italia, i fabbricanti o il soggetto, residente o non residente, che intendano vendere MACSI, per suo conto ottenuto in uno stabilimento produttivo, ad altri…