circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

Compliance, importer and battery extended producer responsability

The new regulation on batteries lays down the definition of producer and extended responsability and provides with the following definitions:

  • Producer is: any manufacturer, importer or distributor or other natural or legal person that, irrespective of the selling technique used, including by means of distance contracts, either:

(a) is established in a Member State and manufactures batteries under its own name or trademark, or has batteries designed or manufactured and supplies them for the first time under its own name or trademark, including those incorporated in appliances, light means of transport or other vehicles, within the territory of that Member State;

(b) is established in a Member State and resells within the territory of that Member State, under its own name or trademark, batteries, including those incorporated in appliances, light means of transport or other vehicles, manufactured by others, on which the name or trademark of those other manufacturers does not appear;

(c) is established in a Member State and supplies for the first time in that Member State on a professional basis, batteries, including those incorporated in appliances, light means of transport or other vehicles, from another Member State or from a third country;

(d) sells batteries, including those incorporated in appliances, light means of transport or other vehicles, by means of distance contracts directly to end-users, whether or not they are private households, in a Member State, and is established in another Member State or in a third country

The AEO approach based on high knowledge of free trade agreements, rules of origine, preferential origin, monitoring of the internal processes and ongoing risks analysis, is the main way to manage the coming obligations of this new legal framework.