Riforma delle accise e dogane: vicini alla partenza per un sistema Italia più integrato e moderno.
Il 26 marzo 2024 il Consiglio dei Ministri ha pubblicato il comunicato stampa n.75 attraverso cui ha informato che , insieme ad altri argomenti, è stato affrontato il tema della “ Revisione della disciplina doganale e del sistema sanzionatorio in materia di accise e di altre imposte indirette sulla produzione e sui consumi (decreto legislativo – esame preliminare)…”. In particolare, in attuazione della legge delega per la riforma fiscale (legge 9 agosto 2023, n. 111), la bozza del decreto legislativo, in ambito doganale, prevede: l’abrogazione del Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative in materia doganale (decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 23 gennaio 1973, n. 43); l’emanazione di un altro provvedimento legislativo…
CBAM, updated frequently questions and answer for a compliance check
On 28 February 2024 the European Commission published the new CBAM frequently questions & answers (FAQ) which modify the points n. 10, 12, 27, 28, 30, 44, 50, 56, 68, 91, 92, 99 of their last version. In particular, the new point n.10: QUESTION N.10: “Does the CBAM apply to ‘returned goods’? ANSWER N.10: “Returned goods are goods defined in Article 203 of the Union Customs Code (Regulation (EU) No 952/2013). They are goods that are released for free circulation and benefit from duty exemption because they were Union goods before, either because they have originally been exported as Union goods or because they were previously released for free circulation,…
New European customs code proposal: AEO, trust and check trader status and the monitoring
European Parliament, on 22 February 2024, voted and published the document “…The compromise amendments Establishing the Union Customs Code and the European Union Customs Authority and repealing Regulation (EU) No 952/2013” Proposal for a Regulation (COM(2023)258 – 2023/0156(COD))…” It has been adopted in the committee with 34 votes in favour to 0 against and 5 abstentions. It has to be put to a vote at an upcoming plenary session (most likely in March) and constitute Parliament’s position at first reading. In particular, find below, from our point of view, the main points of the proposal: a) The list of the tasks of the customs authorities. This is a very interesting…
AEO: customs and businesses data monitoring, artificial intelligence and customs obligation.
The AEO (authorized economic operator) is a customs authorization[1] able to qualify its ower as “reliable”. This is an “unicum” inside the group of customs decisions that can be granted: inwards processing relief, outward processing relief, customs warehouse, temporay admission, end use and free trade zone and the approved exporter allow the economic operator either to exercise the right to apply for a special regime or to declare the preferential origin status in the statement of origin instead by means of EUR.1 certificate. In other words, except for the authorized economic operator, the authorizations impact only on the objective element of the customs obligation (it means: the customs debt).…