Modernised free trade agreeement UE and Mexico: a short check of the rules of origin lays down by the text in priciple
On 17 January 2025 the negotiations for a modernised free trade agreements between the EU and Mexico have been concluded. The contracting parties will put in place an ambitious and modern framework to deepen and widen EU-Mexico political dialogue, cooperation and economic relations and they will propote the growth potential for EU agri-food exports to Mexico and progressive rules on sustainable development. In other words, the modernized free trade agreement will set legally binding commitments on labour rights, environmental protection, climate change and responsible business conduct. Subject to final legal revision, the EU and Mexico will now proceed with their respective procedures for conclusion and ratification. According to the text…
MERCOSUR free trade agreement: the new text (environmental clauses and rules of origin)
In this article, we share the latest changes made on the text of the free trade agreement published by EU on 2019. We’ll focus on: Environmental changes (Paris agreement and specific section on sustainable development); Rules of origin for calculating the preferential origin (reduced customs duty) under the free trade agreement between the EU and MERCOSUR (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay). ENVIRONMENTAL CLAUSES It is important to start from the evironmental provisions of the abovementioned free trade agreement. About the “climate change” the parties declare that the Paris agreement is an essential element of the next trade relationships. Indeed, they declare that: “ The Parties reiterate their commitment to the…
EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement: Guidance document on rules of origin. A short check
EU Commission published the “EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement: Guidance document on rules of origin”. In this document, it is stated that, in line with the European approach to FTA negotiation, the proof of origin can be either: − a statement on origin completed by the exporter on an invoice, or any other document including a commercial document, or − knowledge obtained and held by the importer that the goods are originating (importer’s knowledge). Without proof of origin it is not possible to claim for the preferential origin. Moreover, it is important to add that the European importer is responsible for the correctness of the claim and for compliance with…
EU GSP scheme and sustainable development
The European Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) is a framework of customs rules for which, the duties on some goods are removed if imported from vulnerable developping countries. This benefit requires that: To be eligible, the goods must comply with some additional rules: direct trasport, accounting segregation, rules of origin, statement of origin with the mention of rex (registered exporter) in the invoice or other document; It is based on the regulation 978/2012. It is interesting to add that in November 2023 the application of this GSP regulation was extended until December 2027, pending the approval of a reviewed GSP regulation by the European Parliament and the Council of the…
Short check of the free trade agreement EU and New Zealand
The free trade agreement (FTA) between New Zealand and EU: Applies to: a) the EU customs territory; b) the territory of New Zealand but does not include Tokelau; Provide the “non alteration priciple”, if there is not a direct trasport. Thanks to a non-manipolation certificate it is possible to store the originating goods in anoter country that the parties of the free trade agreement; Provides that the claim of preferential origin by means of either the statement of origin or the knowlwdge of importer; Provides the opportunity to release for a statement for multiple shipments of identical products imported into a Party within the period specified in the statement on…
New elements of the modernized FTA EU Chile
The main aspects of the modernized FTA (free trade agreement) between the UE and the Chile are: accounting segregation for fungible materials; non alteration principle; claim for preferential tariff treatment by means of either statement of origin (with REX for EU economic operators) or importer knowledge; requirement of record keeping; bilateral cumulation EU-Chile; right of the parties to study more complex ways of cumulation. The AEO authorization can support the economic operator in ensuring high compliance with the obligations of the FTA.
EU and Ghana Rex from 20 August 2023
According to the notice “concerning valid proofs of origin for products originating in Ghana on importation into the European Union as from 20 August 2023 under the EU- Ghana stepping-stone Economic Partnership Agreement (2023/C 245/06)” published on 12 July 2023, the preferential origin for Ghanian originating goods imported into the EU will be allowed only with a statement of origin with an exporter registered (REX) in accordance with the relevant provisions of Ghanaian law. It is expempted only any consignment consisting of one or more packages containing originating products whose total value does not exceed EUR 6 000.
Origine preferenziale, REX e free trade agreements
Il REX (Registered ExporterSystem) è una forma di autodichiarazione dell’origine preferenziale che l’operatore economico europeo deve adoperare se previsto negli accordi di libero scambio. Nasce nell’ambito delle preferenze generalizzate in sostituzione del FORM-A e costituisce lo strumento che acquisisce sempre maggiore impiego nei nuovi accordi. E’ previsto dal regolamento delegato 2015/2446, dal regolamento 2015/2447 e dal codice doganale dell’Unione europea contenuto nel regolamento 2013/52; trova un interessante forma di interpretazione nelle linee guida TAXUD (Guidance relating to the Registered Exporter System (REX) )del maggio 2022. In particolare, si tratta di una registrazione non obbligatoria nel senso che la sua assenza non impedisce di effettuare operazioni doganali ma non consente il…