CBAM: EU information guide for importer of steel and iron
The EU Commission published the “CBAM information guide for importer of steel and iron” where: Explains that “…importer must report quarterly on the quantities of steel and iron goods you import into the EU, and the greenhouse gas emissions released as they were produced (embedded in those goods); Recalls that “…any monetary payments until 2026, from which point the importer or his customs representative will be expected to buy and surrender CBAM certificates corresponding to the quantity of embedded emissions in the goods…”; Provides this checklist: Lists the following key points for the reporting activity: a) The quantity of steel and iron in the scope of CBAM being imported to…
CBAM: EU information guide for importer of hydrogen
The EU Commission published the “CBAM information guide for importer of hydrogen” where: Explains that “…importer must report quarterly on the quantities of hydrogen goods you import into the EU, and the greenhouse gas emissions released as they were produced (embedded in those goods); Recalls that “…any monetary payments until 2026, from which point the importer or his customs representative will be expected to buy and surrender CBAM certificates corresponding to the quantity of embedded emissions in the goods…”; Provides this checklist: Lists the following key points for the reporting activity: a) The quantity of hydrogen in the scope of CBAM being imported to the EU during the previous quarter;…
CBAM: EU information guide for importer of fertilizers
The EU Commission published the “CBAM information guide for importer of fertilizers” where: Explains that “…importer must report quarterly on the quantities of fertilizer goods you import into the EU, and the greenhouse gas emissions released as they were produced (embedded in those goods); Recalls that “…any monetary payments until 2026, from which point the importer or his customs representative will be expected to buy and surrender CBAM certificates corresponding to the quantity of embedded emissions in the goods…”; Provides this checklist: Lists the following key points for the reporting activity: a) The quantity of FERTILIZER in the scope of CBAM being imported to the EU during the previous quarter;…
CBAM: EU information guide for importer of cement
The EU Commission published the “CBAM information guide for importer of cement” where: Explains that “…importer must report quarterly on the quantities of cement goods you import into the EU, and the greenhouse gas emissions released as they were produced (embedded in those goods); Recalls that “…any monetary payments until 2026, from which point the importer or his customs representative will be expected to buy and surrender CBAM certificates corresponding to the quantity of embedded emissions in the goods…”; Provides this checklist: Lists the following key points for the reporting activity: The quantity of cement products (in tonnes) in the scope of CBAM being imported to the EU during the…
CBAM: EU information guide for importer of aluminum
The EU Commission published the “CBAM information guide for importer of aluminum” where: Explains that “…importer must report quarterly on the quantities of aluminium goods you import into the EU, and the greenhouse gas emissions released as they were produced (embedded in those goods); Recalls that “…any monetary payments until 2026, from which point the importer or his customs representative will be expected to buy and surrender CBAM certificates corresponding to the quantity of embedded emissions in the goods…”; Provides this checklist: https://europa.eu/!nF6C6q; Lists the following key points for the reporting activity: a) The quantity of aliminium products (in tonnes) in the scope of CBAM being imported to the EU…
CBAM, operator, installation ouside EU and carbon price
Does the operator of installation pay a carbon price in his own jurisdiction? According to Guidance document on CBAM implementation for installation operators outside the EU: “… To ensure similar treatment between installations in the EU ETS and in other countries, a carbon price due in the country where a CBAM good is produced will allow for a reduction in the CBAM obligation in the definitive period from 2026 onwards….” The operator has to ensure that he includes information on carbon pricing in the monitoring methodology.
CBAM: what needs to be reported by reporting declarants
During the transitional period, importers need to report on a quarterly basis the embedded emissions in goods imported during that quarter of a calendar year, detailing direct and indirect emissions as well as any carbon price effectively due abroad. The following information must be reported by importers in the CBAM report: The total quantity of each type of goods, expressed in megawatt hours (MWh) for electricity and in tonnes for other goods, specified per installation producing the goods in the country of origin (made in); The actual total embedded emissions, expressed in tonnes of CO2e emissions per MWh of electricity or for other goods in tonnes of CO2e emissions per…
CBAM: What needs to be monitored by operators
TheGuidance document on CBAM implementation for importers of goods into the EU informs that the first element is the monitoring of direct emissions of the installation. Whenever an installation produces several different products, the emissions must also be appropriately attributed to the individual products. This non binding document adds that must be reported also the embedded emissions of the precursor materials. Where operators purchase precursors, they need to obtain data on the embedded emissions of precursor materials used in the production of the CBAM goods from the supplier of these precursors. The following information must be reported by importers in the CBAM report: The total quantity of each type of…