• circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    PEM an update

    One of the more important FTA of the EU is, of course, the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) Convention on preferential rules of origin. This agreement established: a) a common framework of rules of origin; b) cumulation. It involves from a side the EU and from the other one the following  PEM Contracting parties: the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtestein, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Israel, Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,  Türkiye, the Faroe Islands, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania. On 7 December 2023, the PEM Joint Committee adopted the new and modernised rules of origin that aims…

  • compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    Swiss Customs: permeability priciple, new PEM rules and supplier origin declaration

    The ordinance n.  RS/946.32 issued on 23.05.2012 by the Swiss Customs on the “origin declarations and statement of origin” has been modified and updated on 5.04.2023 with reference to the permeability of the new PEM rules with the old ones. In a nutshell, this amendment: Is valid only for origin declarations provided by suppliers based in the Swiss customs territory; Covers the goods falling in the some HS codes (whose we mention the ones listed under the HS chapter from25 to 97); Is focused on the permeability of transitional rules. Permeability means that I can calculate the preferential origin of a goods by considering both the supplier’s declarations with the…

  • compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) Convention and trade opportunities: an update

    The Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) Convention on preferential rules of origin established: a) common rules of origin; b) cumulation among the PEM Contracting parties: the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtestein, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Israel, Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,  Türkiye, the Faroe Islands, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania. The aim of this free trade area is to facilitate trade and integrate the supply chains within the zone; in this context the SME (small medium enterprises) can enjoy the interesting benefit. In a nutshel: a SME (and in general any economic operator) can export from one…