• circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  energie rinnovabili,  free trade agreement

    1 February 2025: EU-Chile Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) will enter into force. New rules for trade and proferential origin

    From 1 February 2025 EU-Chile Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) will enter into force. It is stated by the “Notice concerning the date of entry into force of the Interim Agreement on Trade between the European Union and the Republic of Chile” n. 17113/24 for which “ The Interim Agreement on Trade between the European Union and the Republic of Chile1, signed in Brussels on 13 December 2023, will enter into force on 1 February 2025” published on 20 Decembre 2024. In a nutshell, for what it is concerning the preferential origin the main changes are: Replacement of the EUR.1 movement certificates and the invoice declarations issued in accordance with the…

  • circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    The preferential origin, free trade agreements and customs compliance: an up-to-date overview

    The judgment of the IV Chamber of the European Court of Justice C‑653/22 released on 23 November 2023 recalls that the origin is an obligation of the importer/economic operator which is required to managet it by taking a specific and professional care. The customs origin could be non-preferential and preferential one. The mentioned case law gives us the chance to go deeper with an up-to-date overview of the preferential origin. The preferential origin is an important “status” (quality) of the goods which are imported or exported from/to the European Union. For this reason, it is important to share and explain some points of the European Union Guidance on the preferential…

  • accise e imposte di consumo,  circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  made in,  valore in dogana

    AI, customs, origin, value and classification: how to implement the compliance

    The artificial intelligence is a way to improve  the compliance of the economic operators with the regulations on preferential origin, non-preferential origin, value and classification; shortly, it is a way to: make more robust the pillars of customs obligation on which it is based the audit for the AEO authorization; Well assess and mitigate the risks of non-compliance and, therefore, reduce or avoid: audit costs, operational disruptions, legal expenses; Implement the internal customs knowledge and expertise and the internal skills to develop internal controls (monitoring). ##preferentialorigin. The preferential origin is the status of the goods are eligible for the free trade agreement rules. The free trade agreement is is an…

  • compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    Conditions and data for the approved exporter in the EU

    How can you boost your export? With the approved exporter? OK but which are the requirements to become approved exporter? According to the “ Guidance on Approved Exporters” of TAXUD the prerequirements are: frequency of consignments (except for the FTA with South Corea); the exporter should be known as reliable. A condition may be that he must not be subject to bankruptcy proceedings or being in arrears of customs duties and taxes; Any product can be covered by the authorisation where it is originating in the framework of the preferential arrangement concerned and benefits from a preferential duty rate The economic operator has to provide with these data: Data relating…

  • compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    EU Guidance on Approved Exporters

    Who is the approved exporter? The approved exporter is an economic operator-based in the EU- which is authorized to certify the preferential origin himself by including a specific declaration on the invoice or another commercial document identifying the exported products. It is a status which allows: a) time saving; b) boost your export. The economic operator can be either manufacturer or trader. Except for the FTA with the South Korea which provides with only the approved exporter, it is an alternative way to prove the preferential origin status  instead of applying upon each export for issue of a movement certificate EUR.1 The application for the approved exporter status is a…

  • compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    Singapore, REX e opportunità per il made in Italy

    A partire dal 1 gennaio 2023 per esportare dall’Unione europea a Singapore l’attestazione d’origine preferenziale (statement of origin)  deve contenere il numero di esportatore registrato (registered exporter) e non quello di esportatore autorizzato (approved exporter). E’ previsto, però, un periodo di tolleranza fino al fine marzo 2023. Tra Singapore e UE c’è un accordo di libero scambio. L’esportatore autorizzato è:  un’autorizzazione rilasciata dalle Dogane a seguito di un audit in azienda volto a certificare che il richiedente può attestare autonomamente l’origine preferenziale. La qualifica di AEO implica una riduzione dei documenti da fornire nell’audit. L’esportatore registrato (registered exporter) è un identificativo da indicare nella attestazione d’origine quando richiesto dagli accordi…