circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  energie rinnovabili,  free trade agreement

1 February 2025: EU-Chile Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) will enter into force. New rules for trade and proferential origin

From 1 February 2025 EU-Chile Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) will enter into force. It is stated by the “Notice concerning the date of entry into force of the Interim Agreement on Trade between the European Union and the Republic of Chile” n. 17113/24 for which “ The Interim Agreement on Trade between the European Union and the Republic of Chile1, signed in Brussels on 13 December 2023, will enter into force on 1 February 2025” published on 20 Decembre 2024.

In a nutshell, for what it is concerning the preferential origin the main changes are:

  • Replacement of the EUR.1 movement certificates and the invoice declarations issued in accordance with the (old) EU-Chile Association Agreement with a statement on origin or importer’s knowledge, as appropriate;
  • The claims for preferential origin for the products in transit, temporary storage, warehousing or in free zones on 1 February 2025 should be based on the statements on origin, as provided under ITA;
  • Replacement of the usage of the Approved Exporter numbers with the REX number.

This free trade agreement provides with important rules on batteries for electric vehicles, critical raw materials, renewable energies, sustainability, circular economy and climate change policies.

The AEO approach based on high knowledge of free trade agreements, rules of origin, preferential origin, monitoring of the internal processes and ongoing risks analysis, is the main way to manage the coming obligations of this new legal framework. The economic operators should internally develop key process indicators (KPI) for the customs knowledge.