compliance e AEO

CBAM transitional registry

CBAM transitional registry

The regulation draft C(2023) 5512 final “…laying down the rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards reporting obligations for the purposes of the carbon border adjustment mechanism during the transitional period…”clarifies that the CBAM Transitional Registry will consist of the following common components:

(a) the CBAM Trader Portal (CBAM TP);

(b) the CBAM Competent Authorities Portal (CBAM CAP) with two segregated spaces:

(1) one for the National Competent Authorities (CBAM CAP/N) and;

(2) another for the Commission (CBAM CAP/C);

(c) the CBAM User Access Management;

(d) the CBAM Registry Back End Services (CBAM BE);

(e) the public CBAM page on the Europa website.