• circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    EU GSP scheme and sustainable development

    The European Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) is a framework of customs rules for which, the duties on some goods are removed if imported from vulnerable developping countries. This benefit requires that: To be eligible, the goods must comply with some additional rules: direct trasport, accounting segregation, rules of origin, statement of origin with the mention of rex (registered exporter) in the invoice or other document; It is based on the regulation 978/2012. It is interesting to add that in November 2023 the application of this GSP regulation was extended until December 2027, pending the approval of a reviewed GSP regulation by the European Parliament and the Council of the…

  • circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    The preferential origin, free trade agreements and customs compliance: an up-to-date overview

    The judgment of the IV Chamber of the European Court of Justice C‑653/22 released on 23 November 2023 recalls that the origin is an obligation of the importer/economic operator which is required to managet it by taking a specific and professional care. The customs origin could be non-preferential and preferential one. The mentioned case law gives us the chance to go deeper with an up-to-date overview of the preferential origin. The preferential origin is an important “status” (quality) of the goods which are imported or exported from/to the European Union. For this reason, it is important to share and explain some points of the European Union Guidance on the preferential…

  • accise e imposte di consumo,  circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  made in,  valore in dogana

    AI, customs, origin, value and classification: how to implement the compliance

    The artificial intelligence is a way to improve  the compliance of the economic operators with the regulations on preferential origin, non-preferential origin, value and classification; shortly, it is a way to: make more robust the pillars of customs obligation on which it is based the audit for the AEO authorization; Well assess and mitigate the risks of non-compliance and, therefore, reduce or avoid: audit costs, operational disruptions, legal expenses; Implement the internal customs knowledge and expertise and the internal skills to develop internal controls (monitoring). ##preferentialorigin. The preferential origin is the status of the goods are eligible for the free trade agreement rules. The free trade agreement is is an…

  • compliance e AEO,  free trade agreement

    Singapore, REX e opportunità per il made in Italy

    A partire dal 1 gennaio 2023 per esportare dall’Unione europea a Singapore l’attestazione d’origine preferenziale (statement of origin)  deve contenere il numero di esportatore registrato (registered exporter) e non quello di esportatore autorizzato (approved exporter). E’ previsto, però, un periodo di tolleranza fino al fine marzo 2023. Tra Singapore e UE c’è un accordo di libero scambio. L’esportatore autorizzato è:  un’autorizzazione rilasciata dalle Dogane a seguito di un audit in azienda volto a certificare che il richiedente può attestare autonomamente l’origine preferenziale. La qualifica di AEO implica una riduzione dei documenti da fornire nell’audit. L’esportatore registrato (registered exporter) è un identificativo da indicare nella attestazione d’origine quando richiesto dagli accordi…