• circular economy,  compliance e AEO

    CBAM questions & answers: last updated on 31 January 2024

    On 31 January 2024 EU Commission published the last version of  “ Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Questions and Answers” already released on the 23 January. In particular, the new topics are: QUESTION n.11. Does the CBAM apply to packaging? ANSWER: “…The CBAM reporting obligation applies if the CN code of the packaging is given in the customs declaration and is covered by Annex I to the CBAM Regulation…” QUESTION 12: Does the CBAM apply to goods produced in EU outermost regions, such as Mayotte or La Reunion? ANSWER: “….The CBAM Regulation applies only to CBAM goods originating in third countries and imported into the customs territory of the Union.…

  • compliance e AEO,  made in

    CBAM: questions and answers from EU Commission

    EU Commission on 23 January 2024 updated its “ Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Questions and Answers” and checks the following points: General topics about the CBAM; Reporting aspects, responsabilities, procedures and general issues related; The transitional registry; Methodology for calculationg embedded emission in CBAM goods (cement,fertilizer, electricity, hydrogen, iron, steel, aluminum/steel) Customs and CBAM. Definitve period. For what is concerning, the customs implications of CBAM, the “ Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Questions and Answers” provides with the following answers: QUESTION: Can an importer use different customs representatives for the customs declaration and the CBAM reporting? As regards the reporting requirements applicable during the transitional period, the CBAM Regulation…