• circular economy,  compliance e AEO

    Plastic Pollution, Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 and customs compliance

    On 26.05.2023 the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to develop a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment released a  Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 whose points are: This committee calls for the overarching objective of the treaty to be to end plastic pollution from all sources to protect the environment and human health. Reinforcement of commitment to ending plastic pollution by 2040; Development of common legally binding obligations and control measures for Parties to the treaty, and to cooperate with stakeholders and other partners to ensure alignment of efforts with the objective and approaches of the treaty, in order to end plastic pollution; binding provisions in the…

  • accise e imposte di consumo,  circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  energie rinnovabili

    Plastic Pollution, Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 and customs compliance

    On 26.05.2023 the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to develop a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment released a  Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2 whose points are: This committee calls for the overarching objective of the treaty to be to end plastic pollution from all sources to protect the environment and human health. Reinforcement of commitment to ending plastic pollution by 2040; Development of common legally binding obligations and control measures for Parties to the treaty, and to cooperate with stakeholders and other partners to ensure alignment of efforts with the objective and approaches of the treaty, in order to end plastic pollution; binding provisions in the…

  • circular economy,  energie rinnovabili

    Legge “Salvamare”, circular economy e opportunità di business

    La legge “salvamare” del 17 maggio 2022, n. 60  recante “ Disposizioni per il recupero dei rifiuti in mare e nelle acque interne e per la promozione dell’economia circolare” che entra in vigore il 25 giugno 2022 risolve un problema importante della raccolta dei rifiuti plastici ( e non solo) presenti in mare: prelevare, trasportare e conferire rifiuti non richiede più l’iscrizione nell’ Albo nazionale gestori ambientali.  Questo provvedimento legislativo inizia a predisporre gli strumenti per poter rendere possibile la produzione di efuel a partire da rifiuti plastici presenti nelle acque marine. E’ interessante che anche in materia di accise vi siano delle modifiche premiali per queste produzioni complesse, come…