EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement: Guidance document on rules of origin. A short check
EU Commission published the “EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement: Guidance document on rules of origin”. In this document, it is stated that, in line with the European approach to FTA negotiation, the proof of origin can be either: − a statement on origin completed by the exporter on an invoice, or any other document including a commercial document, or − knowledge obtained and held by the importer that the goods are originating (importer’s knowledge). Without proof of origin it is not possible to claim for the preferential origin. Moreover, it is important to add that the European importer is responsible for the correctness of the claim and for compliance with…
1° of May 2024 free trade agreement EU and New Zealand will enter into force
After some negotiations round, 1° of May 2024 free trade agreement EU and New Zealand will enter into force. Mr. Todd McClay (Trade and Agriculture Minister of New Zealand) said: “..I am pleased to announce that today, in a small ceremony at the Beehive, New Zealand notified the European Union of our ratification of the New Zealand European Union Free Trade Agreement (NZ-EUFTA). This enables the agreement to come into force earlier than expected, from 1 May 2024,” . The European Council in its “Notice concerning the date of entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and New Zealand” on 25.03.2024 declared that “…The Free…
Published the European decision for the approval of the FTA with New Zealand. After the ratification of New Zealand, does a sustainable trade will take over?
The decision of the European Council 2024/244 of 27 November 2023 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and New Zealand, lays down that “…Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and New Zealand (‘the Agreement’) is hereby approved on behalf of the Union…”. This decision has been published on 28 February 2024. From the other side, it is interesing to undeline that New Zealand needs to pass implementing legislation in order to ratify the agreement. In the official web site of the New Zealand Government it is declared: “…A significant milestone in ratifying the NZ-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA)…
2024 a New Year of customs challenges
The 2023 has been an year very rich in customs news which will impat on the custom operations and compliance. We would list the following topics already published in our website: CBAM carbon border adjustments mechanism for which it is required to: 1) take into account HS codes;2) supply chain management; 3) special regimes; 4) made in/non-preferential origin; 5) customs value; The European regulantion on f-gases import; The due diligence on some goods (cattle,cocoa,palm oil, rubber, soya, wood,coffee) with specific focus on “deforestation and forest degradation”; The ecodesign, recycle and second life for batteries manufactured and imported into the EU; The free trade agreement with the New Zealand; The free…
Free trade agreement New Zealand-EU approved by European Parliament
On 22 November 2023 the European Parliament approved the free trade agreement between the EU and New Zealand. Now, before entering into force, this agreement should be approved by all the Member states parliaments. As declared: “…“Today is a good day for the EU and global rule-based trade. Our vote is a very clear signal of our commitment to negotiating new EU free trade agreements, of which we have seen too few in this parliamentary term. While we live at different ends of the world, the EU and New Zealand are close, trusted, reliable and like-minded partners. Together, we are driving global rules-based trade forward against the backdrop of a…
Free trade agreement EU, New Zealand, trade and forest
The EU and New Zealand recognise the importance of the conservation and sustainable management of forests for providing environmental functions and economic and social opportunities for present and future generations. Therefore, EU and New Zealand are committed to: combat illegal logging and related trade and in general any form of wood from deforestation or forest degradation activity; promote the conservation and sustainable management of forests and trade in forest products harvested in accordance with the law of the country of harvest and from sustainably managed forests; exchange of information.
EU, New Zealand, Trade and climate change
EU and New Zealand recognise, in their free trade agreement which has to enter into force, the importance of taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, and the role of trade in pursuing this objective, consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change done at New York on 9 May 1992 “UNFCCC”), the purpose and goals of the Paris Agreement, and with other MEAs and multilateral instruments in the area of climate change (called also climate crisis). From a practical point o view the EU and New Zealand are committed to: promote the mutual supportiveness of trade and climate policies and measures,; facilitate the removal…
Multilateral environmental agreement and FTA EU and New Zealand
The EU and the New Zealand recognise the importance of international environmental governance, in particular the role of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and its highest governing body, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), as well as multilateral environmental agreements (“MEAs“), as a response of the international community to global or regional environmental challenges and stress the need to enhance the mutual supportiveness between trade and environment policies.
Short check of the free trade agreement EU and New Zealand
The free trade agreement (FTA) between New Zealand and EU: Applies to: a) the EU customs territory; b) the territory of New Zealand but does not include Tokelau; Provide the “non alteration priciple”, if there is not a direct trasport. Thanks to a non-manipolation certificate it is possible to store the originating goods in anoter country that the parties of the free trade agreement; Provides that the claim of preferential origin by means of either the statement of origin or the knowlwdge of importer; Provides the opportunity to release for a statement for multiple shipments of identical products imported into a Party within the period specified in the statement on…
Sustainable development and FTA between EU and New Zealand
One of goals of the FTA (free trade agreement) between the EU and New Zealand is the sustainable development which encompasses: a) economic development; b) social development; c) environmental protection. Each party can (a) determine its sustainable development policies and priorities; (b) establish the levels of domestic environmental and labour protection, including social protection, that it deems appropriate; c) adopt or modify its relevant law and policies. International framework is made, among other, by: a) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development; b) ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization; c) “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.