• circular economy,  compliance e AEO

    CBAM, authorized declarant and CBAM declaration

    The authorized declaranti is obliged to perform a CBAM declaration which has to contain the following: (a) the total quantity of each type of goods imported during the calendar year preceding the declaration, expressed in megawatt hours for electricity and in tonnes for other goods; (b) the total embedded emissions, expressed in tonnes of CO2 emissions per megawatt-hour of electricity or for other goods per tonne of  emissions per tonne of each type of goods; (c) the total number of CBAM certificates corresponding to the total embedded emissions. Finally pay attention to the fact that if the imported goods are processed products resulting from the inward processing procedure  the authorised…

  • circular economy,  compliance e AEO

    CBAM, customs compliance and AEO: for a deeper analysis

      The proposal of regulation on CBAM (Carbon border Adjustment Mechanism) at its article n.5 lists the requirements that should be meet to become an “authorized declarant” and, in other words, the owner of a specific authorization. In particular, the mentioned article: Specifies that the authorization must be released before the lodgment of the customs declaration. Only for the import of electricity is provided a derogation; The application for an authorization has to include: 1) name, addresses and contact information; 2) EORI number; 3) main economic activity carried out in the Union; 4) certification that the declarant is not subject to an outstanding recovery order for national tax debts; 5)…