• accise e imposte di consumo,  circular economy,  free trade agreement

    Short check of the free trade agreement EU and New Zealand

    The free trade agreement (FTA) between New Zealand and EU: Applies to: a) the EU customs territory; b) the territory of New Zealand but does not include Tokelau; Provide the “non alteration priciple”, if there is not a direct trasport. Thanks to a non-manipolation certificate it is possible to store the originating goods in anoter country that the parties of the free trade agreement; Provides that the claim of preferential origin by means of either the statement of origin or the knowlwdge of importer; Provides the opportunity to release for a statement for multiple shipments of identical products imported into a Party within the period specified in the statement on…

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    Some points about North Ireland, Windsor Framework and EU trade policy

    The UK and the EU, on 27.02.2023, signed the “Windsor Framework” agreement which: will rule the status of Northern Irish borders after the Brexit, replaces the Protocol still in force, needs to be approved in the next meeting. From a customs perspective, in a nutshell, it is possible to say that this “framework” covers two different flows of goods: towards the EU and goods destinated to be released  into Northern Ireland. In particular: Goods moved from Great Britain to Northern Ireland, for end use or consumption in Northern Ireland: GREEN LANE: Simplifications and fast controls for economic operators under the UK trusted trader scheme (UK Trader Scheme launched to support…