• free trade agreement

    ESA countries and last negotiations round

    In the report of the last virtual meeting held in March 2023 by ESA countries (Zimbabwe, Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles) and the EU it is stated that: About the technical barriers to trade (TBT): “…Both Parties had a constructive exchange on the outstanding issues, i.e. conformity assessment procedures, technical regulations and technical assistance…” Rules of Origin: “… The Parties continued discussions on the product specific rules (PSR) and agreed on most of the PSR for textiles and clothing and industrial products. Both sides continued discussions on outstanding provisions of Protocol 1 related to wholly obtained goods, cumulation of product origin, accounting, segregation and transitional provisions and managed to clean the…

  • free trade agreement

    Ghana, ESA country and REX for EU preferential origin

    According to the FTA with the EU and ESA 5 countries (Zimbabwe, Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles) the goods originating from Seyshelles since  01 July 2023 have to be accompanied by a statement of origin with REX number. While, from 20 August 2023 the goods originating from Ghana-according to the FTA between this African country and the EU- will need the statement of origin with REX number. REX (registered exporter) is a system of certification of origin of goods based on a principle of self-certification.

  • free trade agreement

    Recap of the EU free trade agreements with REX

    the REX system is a single system (enrolement in the European register) for self-certify the preferential origin. It is  applied in different unilateral (generalised preferences system), bilateral or multilateral preferential trade arrangements between the EU has with third countries. For what it concers the free trade agreements we can recall that REX is required in the following trade flows: Canada (CETA), UK (TCA-trade cooperative agreement), Japan , Vietnam (EVFTA), Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Nouvelle Caledonie, Nouvelle Polinesie, Saint Pierre et Miquelon.

  • circular economy,  compliance e AEO,  energie rinnovabili,  free trade agreement

    Capacità esportativa, Regione Puglia, formazione e commercio internazionale

    L’Instant report “Raccolta di approfondimenti tematici di ARTI come contributo alla definizione di strategie e politiche per l’innovazione, la ricerca e lo sviluppo regionale” di ARTI-Knowledge HUB della Regione Puglia dedica particolare attenzione alla capacità esportativa dell’economia regionale. Un aspetto, però, che ci piacerebbe aggiungere all’analisi già realizzata è il ruolo chiave che la formazione nell’ambito del commercio internazionale e della sostenibilità potrebbe giocare per il successo delle PMI (small medium enterprises): formazione = opportunità. In particolare, ricordiamo: accordi di libero scambio; sospensioni tariffarie; regimi speciali; compliance doganale nella prospettiva di uno sviluppo sostenibile e rispettoso dell’uomo e dell’ambiente. Perché non puntare su questi temi come strumenti per penetrare nei…