• free trade agreement

    Japan European Union free trade agreement and new geografical indications: food, wine and spirits

    The European Commission decision n. 2023/1313 of 22 June 2023 “ approving, on behalf of the European Union, the amendments to Annex 14-B of the Agreement between the European Union and Japan for an Economic Partnership…” entitles the  Joint Committee (for the free trade agreement EU-Japan) to: Modify the annex 14-B of the Economic Parthership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and the Japan; Add under the protection of the intellectual property rights the following European geografical indications (GI): Korčulansko maslinovo ulje, Époisses, Mont d’Or, Vacherin du Haut-Doubs, raclette de Savoie, Lakonia, Cotechino Modena, Finocchiona, Limone di Siracusa, Ajo Morado de Las Pedroñeras, Arzúa-Ulloa, Melocotón de Calanda, Queso de Valdeón,…